Friday, November 26, 2010

Secret messge

To my American readers: Happy thanksgiving! To everyone else: The back door is unguarded; our watchword is "squirrel".

    Okay, enough of that. This is my day-after-Thanksgiving blog. We went to the coast and spent some time with family. It was nice enough, i suppose, but i want some... action in my life. I sit here at my computer and read stories and play games of adventure, but it's not enough for me. I want to actually live that sort of thing, and just rereading the same stories isn't cutting it. I'm bored, bored, bored, but i don't know what to do. And even if i did, i wouldn't know how to start. Well, i won't dwell on it. Actually that's a lie; i probably will dwell on it. But i won't bore you with it ;)
