Friday, August 20, 2010

a step foreword

So, I heard recently about the workplace at EA (for those of you that don't know they make videogames). Specifically, I heard that there are sports facilities on campus; A full sized football field (or soccer for my American compatriots) and basketball court. Also on campus is a food court (named EA-T). When i heard this, i thought "huh, that seems kinda nice". Now i know that EA is soulless corporation, pronouncing "corporation" the same way i pronounce "leeches", and i know they require ungodly amounts of overtime. But I'd still like to work for them, and here's why: they've learned the secret to a happy and obedient workforce. It's this thing called "enlightened self-interest". It means, in this case, that you get lots of benefits, so that you won't complain when we work your sweet little asses off. It's what they always taught you in grade school about compromising except it's not about "i give you X, you give me Y," instead it's "i give you X, so that Y happens" (where Y is what i want and x is what you want). It's trying the carrot, instead of the stick, which is how most people and organizations work. Reward, rather than punishment. Which ultimately, turns out to be more effective. I mean, look at the bucketloads of money EA is making. They're one of the forerunners in gaming today, right up there with Nintendo, while being purely a videogame producer.

tl:dr: EA is awesome because they use enlightened self-interest.

as always feel free to beat the shit out of me if I'm wrong, or misinformed (haha not really, just leave a message below)

I'll think of something witty to sign off with eventually,

TITLE: the title is referring to the fact that EA's policy of enlightened self-intrest is a step forward for human beings as a whole, and business in particular.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

yo, really nothing to say here. Just holding down the fort here. shooting down insanity whenever it beckons y'know? just got some red/cyan anaglyph glasses

traveler is awesome,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The first step

so... yeah.  I'm hoping that keeping a 'blog will help me... get... something. more energy, more self respect, more... i don't know. It's certainly going to improve my typing skllz. Right now i feel terrible. OH! most of my posts will be stream of consciousness but I'll also be doing some poems i write, maybe some philosophical musings, whatever. you know? at some point I'll put links to various thing i like around teh inntarwhebz so.. yeah. Some posts will run long, some will run short. i will almost certainly be taking long breaks; there may be warning there may not be. i make no promises or guarantees, dig me? also, sometimes i may forget to edit or edit wrong, to you grammar nazis out there, please don't hold it against me. as to my 'blog's name: it's pointing out that everything as momentary, a single point in the ocean of time; it is saying "this too shall pass" and that everything, this 'blog in particular, is as substantial as ghost's toast. However, my URL has no meaning behind it, it was just random words that popped into my head. also i may cuss a little so if  you're offended then you might not want to read it.

i'll think of something witty to sign off with,

TITLE- it's referring to the saying "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". i'm taking the first step here (hence the title). But on what journey, who can say?

p.s- the title explanation will probably be a recurring thing and i may or may not add little post scripts like this one at  the end here